CChange helps lead WA into more rigorous and comprehensive social / community infrastructure planning

Together with Thao Ashford Planning, CChange helps lead WA into more rigorous and comprehensive social / community infrastructure planning.

CChange Sustainable Solutions has recently been involved in major social /community infrastructure planning exercises for the City of Perth, Metropolitan Redevelopment Authority and Belmont City Council. These projects have arguably raised the bar on the way social infrastructure is assessed, planned and costed in Western Australia. The methods used in these projects included comprehensive auditing of existing social infrastructure, rigorous benchmarking systems tied to detailed understanding of the demographic and economic environment, together with inclusive and detailed consultation with key stakeholders to ensure land use opportunities and delivery of social infrastructure are maximised. Ensuring the delivery is achievable and affordable were key outcomes for the studies. The methods and benchmarking bases were devised when Vanessa was one of the key authors to the Implementation Note No. 5: Social Infrastructure Guidelines, for the (then Office of Urban Management for SEQ). This guideline provides a detailed and comprehensive guide to better planning for social infrastructure. Winning State and National awards, the Guidelines have been used as a basis for many social infrastructure plans across Australia.